Do you have lots of money to spend on vacation?? Yeah…neither do we. Therefore, one of our ways to save money while traveling is staying with friends or family instead of paying for an expensive hotel.
We also love that AirBnb is now a common alternative to hotels. When Berty and I went to Paris, our host was really helpful and gave us lots of resources around the city!
But while you save money staying in a home vs. a hotel, there is an extra layer of sensitivity that comes with being invited into someone’s home.
If you have never had an AirBnb experience or stayed with friends while traveling, we wanted to share with you some ways on how to be a good house guest!
*Note: We are certainly NOT perfect when it comes to these tips, but now that I’ve written them down and shared it with you, I feel the need to keep myself accountable!
How To Be A Good House Guest: 8 Considerate Steps
1. Bring A Gift
If you are staying with a family member or a friend, it’s always nice to bring them a little gift. Flowers or a bottle of wine are a classic win, but you can be creative if you know their personality well! When Berty and I went to Indonesia for the first time, I brought Berty’s mom a painted picture of Seattle to show her where I lived!
2. Be Respectful Of Their Schedules
During your time there, daily life may still happen for your host. Kids still need to go to school, parents to work, among other things! Be wary of when you are in the way and give them space to do their usual routines!
3. Let Them Know When You’re Arriving and Leaving
Let your host know what time you will arrive and what time you plan to leave. This gives them time on both ends to prepare for your coming and know when their hosting duties are finished! It’s respectful and allows your host to make plans for the rest of their day.
4. Ask About The Rules
Each home is different! Where should your shoes go? Can the dog be let outside? Do they have any house rules that you should know about? It’s always smart to ask before you get yourself into an embarrassing situation!
5. Help Wash The Dishes
Or really, just offer to help with anything they need. You are adding an extra layer of duty onto their weekend (or however long you are there) so a small gesture like helping out with a chore can go a long way!
6. Offer To Pay For A Meal
If applicable, treat your host to a nice dinner! This doesn’t have to be at a restaurant, you can simply offer to pay for some extra groceries. If you are driving around town a lot during your stay, you can also offer to pay for some gas as a sign of your gratitude.
7. Leave Your Space Cleaner Than Before
More often than not, your host will not have a maid service to clean up after you! An easy way to show that you care would be making your bed, keeping your luggage tidy, and putting things back they way you originally found them. Make sure to ask where you can leave your used towels so they don’t have to clean up after you!
8. Make Sure To Say Thank You!
Berty and I like to leave a little thank you note for our AirBnb hosts where they can find it! If notes aren’t your thing, even sending a thank you text after you leave shows good manners. Whatever way you can show gratitude will be greatly appreciated!

What are some tips for how to be a good house guest? Leave us a comment below.
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